American Career Workshop: International Career Opportunities for FIT-VHU Students

11 tháng 10 năm 2024

On October 9 and 10, the American Career Workshop was successfully held at Tran Hung Dao Hall, HungHau Campus, Van Hien University. The program provided numerous career opportunities for 3rd and 4th-year IT students, attracting significant attention and helping students gain access to international recruitment skills.

The American Career Workshop had the honor of welcoming experts from top American universities. Students were given a practical insight into the recruitment processes at major corporations such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. The experts shared valuable tips on writing impressive CVs, successful interview strategies, and professional English communication skills.

In addition to sharing knowledge, the workshop also gave students hands-on experience through mock interviews and direct interaction with experts. This was a golden opportunity for students to expand their networks, learn, and create unforgettable memories.

The Faculty of Information Technology at Van Hien University sincerely thanks the team of experts from American universities for bringing invaluable knowledge, inspiring students, and contributing to their preparation for the future. We look forward to the continued support of these experts in upcoming events!

#AmericanCareerWorkshop #FITVHU #VHU #CareerInDesigner #CareerInIT

Tags: CNTT, FIT, VHU, Workshop